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About us
We specialise in trauma and neglect cases, with 70% of our dogs having been subjected to excruciating pain and injury/torture. 50% of them come from killing stations in Europe. Dogs that end up in these places are either severely abused and mishandled, or destroyed using inhumane treatments such as being hit around the head with hammers or injected with paint stripper.
Whilst we also rescue hundreds of able bodied animals, we are a specialist rehabilitation centre for disabled and mobility impaired animals. This means dealing with often very complex medical needs and taking these dogs on the road to recovery in order for them to go on and enjoy the rest of their lives like any other dog. We have a specialist network of vets, suppliers and trainers who help us to take care of these dogs and get them the right treatment for their needs. Once they’ve been treated physically and nursed back to health, we start to train them to use their new wheelchairs and sometimes even prosthetics. As they get the hang of their new wheels, we see them grow in confidence and really start to get their sparkle back.
We also take in many unwanted and neglected dogs and cats from across the UK. These have been abused or abandoned and in need of someone to show them some love. This includes trapping many colonies of stray cats and kittens and rehabilitating them into pets.
As a UK registered charity, we have rescued over 1500 animals from across Britain and Europe, providing health care, rehabilitation, training and the loving new home that each one deserves.
Operating a strict ‘no-kill’ policy, we work with both disabled dogs and those with behavioural problems, to fully rehabilitate them, getting them wheelchairs and behavioural therapy to allow them to enjoy their life just like any other dog. This often means taking the ones that other charities will not touch and working with them, no matter how long it takes, to give them a second chance to lead a happy and fulfilled life.
Each soul is cared for by a skilled member of our team with compassion, respect and dedication. We truly believe every single soul deserves 100% effort and compassion to get them back on their feet.
All animals are matched as closely as possible to adopters and full aftercare support is provided by our qualified and devoted team throughout each animal’s life. It is not just the animal that needs support, we truly believe supporting adopters throughout their journey is just as important. To enable us to provide great aftercare, adopters are provided with a dedicated support member who can offer 1-2-1 follow-ups and access to our team of behaviourists. Adopters are also invited to join our online support group; our family of adopters that share stories, give support and provide plenty of laughter!
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving £14,000 to the Top #10 UK and Irish Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 7:00PM.