Arts Access Australia Cover Photo
AAA is the national peak body for arts and disability in Australia working to increase national and international opportunities and access to the arts for people with disability as artists, arts-workers, participants and audiences. Arts Access Australia needs your help to reach our goal of $20,000 to support the work we do. This window of opportunity is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Arts Access Australia and our window closes May 31, 2019. Thanks to Creative Partnerships Australia, all dollars raised will be doubled! We are calling on all Arts Lovers and investors, to help Arts Access Australia to #CreateChange, and make equal access to the Arts a priority for people with disability. Help us provide the access and support crucial in addressing inequalities for artists with disability in Australia. Evidence shows that a significantly lower proportion of artists with disability find a professional career in the arts than artists without disability (National- Arts-and-Disability-Strategy-2013-2015), and if they do, they can expect to earn 42% less from their practice (Making-Art-Work-Report-2017). It is crucial that we do more to support artists with disability to achieve professional and employment outcomes through our key foci areas which include: Information and Advice; Research and Advocacy; Leadership and Development.

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