West Valley Health Equity Cover Photo
Arizona faces a crisis of housing instability and addiction, profoundly affecting our children, families, and communities. At West Valley Health Equity (WVHE), we understand that stable housing is foundational to health. We provide tailored treatment and community-based programs combined with safe, supportive housing for pregnant and parenting women and their children. Our health-supported housing model integrates vital healthcare services, including prenatal care, primary and pediatric care, behavioral health services, substance use disorder treatment, and wellness, ensuring comprehensive support for women and their families. The escalating homelessness crisis in Phoenix, which has tripled since 2014, underscores the urgency of our mission. WVHE's proactive response is not just about improving maternal-child health outcomes but also about transforming our community. We are expanding our housing capacity strategically, with our walkable neighborhoods' facilities offering easy access to public transportation, jobs, quality schools, recreational facilities, and healthy food options. We are not just about providing a roof over heads but creating a more vibrant, healthier community. 

Your support means investing in a solution that provides safe housing, significantly improves maternal health outcomes, and promotes a healthier, more vital community. Join us in making a difference—your support is crucial in building a brighter future for Arizona.

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