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Theatre Arts For Everyone
About us
Nearly everything you need to know in life you can learn from participating in theatre arts – from patience and public speaking to sewing and using a screwdriver. Indeed, the art of live theatre is the one of the greatest exercises in teamwork that exists!
Theatre Arts For Everyone (TĂFĒ) is a teaching theatre that is committed to making theatre accessible to all. TĂFĒ’s purpose is to give everyone the opportunity to be involved in, educated about, and entertained by the art of live theatre. TĂFĒ is unique in the York County theatre landscape in numerous ways: -We offer a pay-as-wish performance for each of our mainstage shows.
-We focus on featuring plays that are originally-written or are not well known. -We have the only senior touring troupe in all of York County, and to our knowledge all of Pennsylvania. At our heart, TĂFĒ is an educational organization. We do this work because we saw a need for a theatre arts organization that promotes personal growth while at the same time building community. We live deep in the philosophy that theatre is a team art and that we can build stronger individuals, and thereby communities, when we gather, connect, and create with theatre. The arts aren’t limited to those with select skills, such as the best voice. Theatre, at its best, is an art form to be accessed and enjoyed by all.
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March 2025 Grants Round
Grant Closes: Apr 1, 2025
This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.