The HOW Foundation Cover Photo
The HOW Foundation Cover Photo
The HOW Foundation Cover Photo
“A hand up; not a handout” is the credo of the Help Our Wounded Foundation (HOW). Founded in 2014, HOW is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that has proudly served our veterans across the country for the past 10 years. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities by advocating for and providing access to life-changing hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Within this field, we focus on serving people suffering from Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – two populations that are known to be at higher risk for suicide. Currently, our two programs focus on addressing the needs of veterans and military personnel as well as concussed student athletes. Foundation-wide, we have a 98% successful rehabilitation rate when it comes to improvements in neuropsychological functioning. Specific to veterans, that rate increases to 99% – strong evidence of the transformative returns of HBOT, as is our growing demand and pace for providing services. In 2023, we provided over 840 life-saving HBOT sessions. There is a consistent demand for HBOT to help the brain recover from TBIs and PTSD. We have a growing wait list of people who are waiting for funding requests to be granted in order to receive this life-changing therapy, which is why we hope to receive your support. Together, we can provide oxygen and hope to those who have bravely served our nation and athletes who have their whole lives ahead of them.

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Every $1 you donate to The HOW Foundation gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

USA and Canadian Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 65d 21h 11m 51s
#4-#10 $2,000 each
#3 $3,000
#2 $4,000
1st Place $8,000