Every $1 you donate to Tally Ho Therapeutic Riding Academy gets them 1 vote towards winning their grant category!
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About us
THTRA believes that every BODY should have the opportunity to reap the benefits of Horses. THTRA also believes in Inclusion. There isn't a machine invented that can duplicate the movement of a horse. Riding incorporates every muscle & motor skill. Horses also teach empathy, patience, cooperation & teamwork to name a very few benefits of what is offered. Scholarship $$ is welcome to offset the cost so everybody is included !!! Everybody is a genius, you just have to figure out at what !!
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March 2025 Grants Round Grants Round
This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.