Second Chance Animal Rescue of Windsor-Essex County Cover Photo
Second Chance Animal Rescue Windsor-Essex (S.C.A.R) opened in June of 2015 to service the Windsor-Essex area of Southern Ontario, Canada. S.C.A.R is a non-profit organization established to rescue and re-home dogs and cats of all ages and size.

The foundation of our organization are board members with years of animal rescue and pet care experience. Our ultimate focus is to help dogs and cats get off the streets and out of shelters.

With the help of loving foster homes and community support S.C.A.R. aims to be a voice for the voiceless. We ensure that all of our adoptable pets have necessary veterinarian care by some of the best local veterinary clinics.

The animals are temporarily fostered in loving homes until a forever home is found for each animal. All homes are fully screened and checked before an animal is placed into a loving home.

To find out more about Second Chance Animal Rescue Windsor-Essex or see how you can be part of this rewarding cause be sure to ” like ” our ever growing Facebook page.

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