Queensland Koala Crusaders Inc Cover Photo
We are running out of room for koalas. And we are running out of koalas. In fact, while you are reading this, they are dying. That’s the sad truth. This generation has the last opportunity to preserve the koala in the wild in SE Queensland. If not, when future generations ask who let the koala go extinct (outside of zoos - maybe) the answer will be us. There is no more iconic species than the koala. However the benefit of preserving healthy habitat and connecting corridors extends also to the hundreds of other flora and fauna that live under and above their “umbrella”. Preserving the koala will also benefit other threatened and endangered species (and provide health benefits for the human populations too!). There has been no shortage of projects and initiatives aimed at “saving the koala” with minimal success at best. Simply put, isolated activities have not and will not succeed – certainly not in a scaleable manner or over the long run. We are working hard to pull all the pieces of the puzzle AND all the groups together – habitat, connecting corridors, rehabilitation of land, disease prevention/treatment, road mitigation, rescue and urgent care resources, rehabilitation and release regulations etc.

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Australia and NZ Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 65d 10h 34m 0s
#4-#10 $2,000 each
#3 $4,000
#2 $5,000
1st Place $10,000