Project Animal Freedom Cover Photo
At Project Animal Freedom, we strive to build a fully vegan Midwest by 2056 by mobilizing activists across the Midwest, creating new vegans across the Midwest, and inspiring large-scale generosity to benefits nonhuman animals. By supporting our bold, unique mission, you can help us end animal suffering. Every donation you make will help us: • open chapters in cities that lack an animal rights organization • conduct innovative initiatives, such as our #NondairyNovember campaign • distribute more leaflets, vegan starter guides, and other pro-vegan literature • organize large outreach events such as Gateway to Compassion Fest • screen more videos showcasing animal cruelty at local festivals • attend more community events to promote veganism By helping us inspire people to embrace a healthy, plant-based lifestyle, your donation can save dozens if not hundreds of animals from a lifetime of misery in factory farms, slaughterhouses, and other animal-abusing facilities. The animals are counting on you, and they can bear to suffer no longer. What are you waiting for?

We add Votes for every $ you Donate

Every $1 you donate to Project Animal Freedom gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!