Mpower has been operating since 1975 in South West Victoria across a range of sectors - Early Childhood Intervention, Disability, NDIS Services, Carer Support, Integrated Family Services, Parent Support, and more recently Early Childhood Education and Kindergarten services. Mpower's passion lies in supporting children, young people and adults with a disability to build confidence and independence. Mpower creates connected and inclusive communities by supporting carers, families and individuals. As the leading provider in early childhood intervention in South West Victoria, Mpower prides itself on best practice care, recently partnering with a Childcare and Kindergarten service to further embed the concepts of early intervention. Mpower is on a journey to build an inclusive Community Hub composing an indoor play centre, community cafe, therapy and sensory rooms, culturally inclusive spaces and community rooms. We need your support to get this project off the ground to enable us to continue the valuable and much needed work we do in the community.
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Every $1 you donate to Mpower Inc gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!
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