Missions On Wheels, Inc. Cover PhotoMissions On Wheels, Inc. Cover PhotoMissions On Wheels, Inc. Cover Photo

We provide beds and showers for first responders and volunteer teams aiding after a disaster. Sponsors and donor support are vitally important. Your support of our operations means that we can provide our equipment without billing the organization providing the help. Grants and sponsorships are used directly for operational support and cover the cost and maintenance for each trailer used and consumable supplies like cleaners and towels. Rather than spending $4,000 to $5,000 weekly on rentals, our partners can redirect those funds into their projects and increase their impact.

We are the only non-profit committed to long-term disaster recovery supporting volunteers and initial responders. When not on a disaster op, we also make showers available to mission teams and homeless outreach. We do not receive FEMA funds; your dollars go 100% to our operations. States dealing with a federally declared disaster receive funding from FEMA. The state must match 25% of that with tax dollars. Every trailer we deploy and every volunteer labor hour make possible by housing volunteers is applied to that 25% state match. This saves taxpayer funds, so much so that in 2019 our combined impact (trailer usage and volunteer labor housed) exceeded $5M! 


We add Votes for every $ you Donate

Every $1 you donate to Missions On Wheels, Inc. gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!