Harley’s Dream is the story of one tiny little senior dog who inspired a movement. A one-eyed puppy mill survivor who left us all too soon, but who inspired others to strive for hope and change for our canine companions. One dog whose life and legacy has created a movement against the puppy mill industry.
One at a time. One Harley’s Hero protesting pet stores in inclement weather. One supporter writing to their legislator. One pet store no longer selling puppies. One city-wide pet store ban being passed. One person educating another by telling Harley’s story. One person seeing a billboard and asking, “What happened to Harley’s eye?” One state passing a pet store ban. One dog is adopted because someone read Harley’s story. One by one. One at a time. Generating a national movement toward change.
Harley’s Dream is making a difference … one by one. One person, one dog, one store, one ban, one state. Help us to help them – the breeding dogs living in misery in puppy mills.
We thank you so very much for loving Harley and caring about his dream. He continues to inspire us every day, but it’s YOUR support that is making a difference for the hundreds of thousands of breeding dogs suffering in puppy mills today.