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for Green Bay Feline Welfare

Support Green Bay Feline Welfare for this March 2025 Grants Round! Vote to help them win a Grant and boost their chances by featuring them for even more votes

Green Bay Feline Welfare
178 Votes $90 Donated 17 Days to vote
Green Bay Feline Welfare

About us

Unfortunately where we live, there are many abandoned, homeless, orphaned, injured, and starving cats. We are trying to form a shelter to save them from these conditions. A lot of felines are scavenging through garbage at local waste site to try to survive. I've been feeding these cats out of my own pocket for nearly two years. Myself and my friend decided to start up a non-profit organization called Green Bay Feline Welfare. We are fully incorporated and recognized by the government. We have managed to purchase a small piece of land which was a huge step and we have some building materials to get us started, but we need a lot more to be able to provide the cats with a proper structure as well as long term maintenance. We hope to operate as an animal rescue service for spays and neuters, TNR, any other vet care, adoptions, rehabilitation, and meeting animals’ basic needs. There are so many cats here in life threatening situations and we want to help. We are trying relentlessly to create a shelter. Many cats here are injured or ultimately perish. We are fighting to get them off the street and into care for rehabilitation and to meet their needs. But we are struggling. There are little ways to receive grants here and most communities do not care enough to help these poor animals. We have rescued a few cats so far, but arranging homes for them is limited. A few weeks ago we trapped a semi-feral cat and provided for his neuter and full vet care from our own pocket. We also found a responsible foster who is taking good care of him. Very recently, we have another cat who we are rehabilitating ourselves while looking for an appropriate foster. However, we need an actual structure to get up and running as soon as possible. The more space we have, the more lives we can save. The cats colonies here and around this area are semi-feral to feral making it difficult to find fosters. We have A LOT of colonies and no nearby shelter, especially not one that will take in semi-feral to feral cats. In Newfoundland, fosters are lacking with the tamest of cats. We are in desperate need of help. We need a shelter so badly and are at a loss for what to do. We’ve asked around on Facebook and have been looking for financial support everywhere to no avail. We have had a GoFundMe for about a month now and raised $1,000. It isn’t easy. It is heartbreaking to see these cats and we often feel helpless. We have tried fundraising other ways but aren't making that much headway. We really want to help these cats get the life they deserve. All rescues are overrun and SPCA's do not take ferals here (and are also overrun). We are trying our hardest and are making some progress, but with COVID-19 it is not fast enough and local sites will soon such down making it difficult for us to save them. Any amount of support will help our cause. We have carpenters in the family ready to build but we are just lacking the funds. Thank you for reading our story.
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Green Bay Feline Welfare

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Apr 1, 2025

This grant round we are giving $12,500 to the Top #10 Canadian Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.

1st place:  $2,500
#2-#3:  $1,500 each
#4-#10:  $1,000 each
Canadian Charities Leaderboard: