Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary Cover Photo
Our organization takes in and care of dumped house rabbits or those from hoarding situation with poor quality of life needing medical attention good food and a safe place to call home. Many house rabbits just are not understood. We currently have a bunny named Jonas that was found outside in a business park, the person reaching out to us wasn’t sure what he was getting into, but he picked the rabbit up and brought him to us. Easy to pick up means he was familiar with people and friendly, but Jonas was underweight and has teeth issue and that probably was what got him dumped as he needs his teeth trimmed every five weeks at a cost of $50 each time. Without it he can’t eat enough will lose weight and eventually pass. Not a big deal we will do that for him till he finds his forever home where someone will love him enough to take care of him and the medical expense. That is one case of the work we do and we care for over 70 rabbits at our shelter that are waiting to find their new home.

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