Barking Mad Dog Rescue Cover Photo
Every day, man's best friend faces at best indifference and neglect. At worst, it's full on persecution and extreme cruelty f in Constanta, eastern Romania. From street dogs to abandoned pets, all shapes and sizes come under our wing. We have two shelters of our own with an average of 500 dogs and pups to care for. BMDR wholly supports a private shelter in Calarasi with another 150 dogs. These dogs need a voice. Romania's dog's need a voice. Please help our voice grow louder. Our plans for the future include community programmes to involve people for our village in the work we do. Already we provide help with veterinary for villagers' dogs. Of course, we spay and neuter wherever we can. People like you are the support network for these dogs. Please help us continue our vital work and help save a life today.

We add Votes for every £ you Donate

Every £1 you donate to Barking Mad Dog Rescue gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!