dogs of destiny Cover Photo
We are a 100% volunteer organization so all funding received always goes directly to the care of our dogs. We are dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of dogs. While we primarily rescue, and prioritize rescue, of bully breed type dogs(as they are most in need) we do not discriminate for a dog in need and we have all kinds of dogs in our rescue. We are also 100% positive reinforcement(science based) training. We work closely with a behavior consultant who feels the same and none of our adopters are ever allowed to use aversives on our dogs. We are also dedicated to our dogs for life and ALWAYS take our dogs back for any reason. We are a home/foster based organization which means we are small, but do big things within our community. We also work closely with our shelter partners and assist in helping with training/rehabilitation of dogs in need that we may not habe room to take in. Because we are small, most of the expenses for our rescue comes out of pocket. With the work we do we typically have huge vet bills, and for the year 2020 our vet expenses totaled over $50,000. We cannot do what we do without support! And appreciate so much the support we get. We are also a proud member of the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies.

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Every $1 you donate to dogs of destiny gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

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Every $1 you donate to dogs of destiny gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

USA Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 67d 17h 58m 12s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500