Bournemouth Young Men’s Christian Association Cover PhotoBournemouth Young Men’s Christian Association Cover PhotoBournemouth Young Men’s Christian Association Cover Photo
Over the last 100 years, YMCA Bournemouth’s mission has been to strive to enable people to develop their full potential in mind, body, and spirit.YMCA Bournemouth creates supportive, inclusive, and energising communities where people can truly belong, contribute and thrive.We support marginalised people in a variety of settings and circumstances, including the most vulnerable and challenging individuals experiencing insecure housing.We are uniquely placed to cater for vulnerable populations whose needs are intrinsically woven into their personal and environmental factors.We work with people who are particularly marginalised and experiencing multiple disadvantages who need tools and resources to advance their lives.We place importance on fostering local resilience and sustainable, positive change.We work across key areas: Accommodation, Youth Work, Family Work, Health & Wellbeing, Training & Education and Support & Advice.From April 2022 – March 2023: 
  • We supported and housed 184 individuals, provided more than 54,000 meals, hosted 1,250 counselling sessions. 
  • We provided more than 590 hours of support to 75 young disabled people through our Chatterbox project. 
  • Have given the same 75 disabled young people the opportunity to fulfil their potential whilst improving their well-being & self-esteem.
  • We worked with over 125 young people per week in our youth clubs. 
  • Our two leisure establishments had more than 5,000 members. 
  • Provided safe stable accommodation, sustenance, help and guidance to people who were homeless.
  • Our youth work on the Townsend estate, supporting disadvantaged young people, has provided cooking; arts/crafts; boxing; football skills, opportunities for engagement in learning life-skills - as well as providing diversionary activities.
Your generosity could mean so much to the thousands of people that we support each year.We want to continue doing everything we can to support our local community and their differing needs through our range of services. Our mission to create loving, dynamic, and whole communities has become even more fundamental in these times of hardship. We will continue to work collaboratively with other fantastic charities and organisations in our local area to deliver this mission and help overcome these ongoing issues in Dorset.

We add Votes for every £ you Donate

Every £1 you donate to Bournemouth Young Men’s Christian Association gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!