Baby Kitten Rescue Cover Photo
Baby Kitten Rescue Cover Photo
Baby Kitten Rescue Cover Photo
We specialize in neonatal, critical care, and special needs kitten rescue. We believe these kittens' lives matter, and that they are worth the extra time, energy, and expense it takes to help them survive and thrive. We aspire to promote diversity, inclusivity, and compassion, and to show that animals with disabilities can live full, rich, and happy lives.We take in and care for the most vulnerable kittens, the ones shelters cannot hold overnight and the ones other rescues don't want because their care is too extensive or expensive. We are a small but mighty rescue made up of incredible, skilled, and dedicated fosters who pour our heart, soul, blood, sweat, tears, sleep, energy and time into doing whatever it takes to help our kittens survive and thrive.We provide the highest quality care including advanced medical care, physical therapy, acupuncture, acuscope, specialty vet visits, holistic care, and cutting edge surgeries. Our expenses are much higher than other rescues, but our success rates are also much higher. Your donations make it possible for us to take in and care for this unique and special population. We could not do this without you!

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Donate Now in our $100,000 in 100 hours Donation Challenge

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Every $1 you chip in to feature Baby Kitten Rescue gets them featured 100 times to help them get more votes and supporters.

Help us raise $100,000 in the next 100 Hours for Baby Kitten Rescue and other charities at MyGivingCircle

USA Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 55d 17h 59m 1s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500