for Australian Parents for Climate Action AP4CA
Support Australian Parents for Climate Action AP4CA by voting NOW on Double Votes Weekend! Vote to help them win a Grant and boost their chances by featuring them for even more votes
About us
Australian Parents for Climate Action is Australia’s leading organisation to engage, organise and empower parents, carers, families and everyone who cares about kids, to advocate for a safe climate for our children’s future.
With over 14,000 supporters and 30 local groups, our supporters are from across the political spectrum, in every Australian electorate, and from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. We seek non-partisan responses from government and business to climate change and its impacts.
We’re on a mission to engage and empower millions of parents across Australia to advocate for climate action in their communities, in the media and to politicians and businesses.
Our vision is for our children to live safe, healthy, full lives because Australian governments and businesses have implemented the solutions required to ensure a safe climate.
Parents are a very large constituency reaching across all sectors of society and politics who together hold strong moral, electoral and purchasing power. If we engage and empower a strong constituency of parents to advocate for climate action, together our pressure will increase the sustained political and corporate will to implement the solutions required to ensure a safe future for our children.
We are motivated by love - for our children and families, for thriving cultures and communities, for the natural world and all species in it.
As parents, we are deeply concerned about our children’s future – current global emissions levels are driving bushfires, heat stress, droughts, storms, floods and sea level rise that threaten our children’s safety, survival and quality of life. We are fighting for our children’s future!
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Every $1 you chip in to feature Australian Parents for Climate Action AP4CA gets them featured 100 times to help them get more votes and supporters.
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving $29,000 to the Top #10 Australia and New Zealand Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 9:00AM.