A new collar should not be considered a luxury item to a rescuer.... basic needs like food, flea treatments, vet fees should not have to be fought for every day by rescuers...Our number one aim is to get as many donations to as many rescues, foster carers and shelters as possible, either by putting people in touch with their local rescues etc or by coordinating donations to make sure they end up where they are needed most.
We are currently gathering donations of goods to send to animal rescuers and foster carers for Christmas.
We send out hundreds and hundreds of care parcels every year. We purchase emergency supplies of food, meds etc for them.
We also hold regular auctions of donated and our own goods so that we can pay postage and buy the items rescues consider to be luxuries....Toys, treats, New collars, dog jumpers, supplements for arthritic/ sick animals ...new crates..anything they need we try our very best to get it for them.