America's Mighty Warriors was founded by Debbie Lee after the death of her son Navy SEAL Marc Lee 8-2-06. Our troops, veterans and their families sacrifice greatly for the freedoms we enjoy every day. We want to support, heal, honor and give hope to those whose lives have been touched by war and loss. AMW focuses on four programs Advocacy, Random Acts of Kindness, Gold Star and Helping Heroes Heal Program. Our largest Program is our HHHP which is for our Veterans diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress or Traumatic Brain Injury from combat, many of them struggling with suicide. Our year long program provides 40 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Treatments, Hormone Vitamin Therapy and retreats for the family. The average cost for the year is $20,000.00. AMW has had over 300 Veterans go through our program and receive life changing healing. Many have shared they wouldn't be alive today without AMW and the therapies we provided for them. Those who served were willing to give their life defending us and our freedoms. It is our responsibility to restore their health that the sacrificed so we can live free. AMW has accepted the challenge from Marc's amazing last letter home "to my family and friends, do me a favor pass on the kindness, the love, the precious gift of human life."
America's Mighty Warriors`
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