Ageless Art Inc 501(c)3 Cover Photo
Ageless Art Inc 501(c)3 Cover Photo
Ageless Art Inc 501(c)3 Cover Photo
Dive into the transformative realm of Project Create Peace with Ageless Art Inc! We're on a mission to redefine peace through a new symbol, one that embodies the essence of creation, offering boundless creative possibilities and capturing the magic of life itself. Picture a world united under this powerful symbol, inspiring unity, creativity, and a shared sense of responsibility. Your support fuels the creation of impactful murals, dynamic workshops, and team-building activities that transcend borders, connecting communities globally. Your donation plays a vital role in bringing to life a universal emblem, fostering creativity, and highlighting the profound beauty of unity through art. Together, we can make a lasting impact by championing art therapy focused on peace, promoting presence, and empowering collective problem-solving for a brighter future. Join us in shaping a world that cherishes peace, creativity, and collaboration. Every contribution matters—be a part of the change, donate to Project Create Peace today!

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USA Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 4d 13h 49m 25s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500