Center for World Indigenous Cover Photo
The Center for World Indigenous Studies is an independent, Nonprofit 501 (c) 3 founded in 1979.For over 40 years, CWIS has been the leading indigenous peoples’ activist think tank, ensuring that communities can safeguard their rights and resources. We are a global community of indigenous studies activists and scholars. Advancing the rights and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples worldwide. We provide technical support to indigenous communities to develop their governments, and policies governing their natural resources including traditional medicines. We deliver pro bono health care to indigenous communities addressing nutrition and community trauma, domestic violence, and the effects of chronic illness like diabetes type 2. We work with communities, at their request to record their traditional ecological knowledge to use for their own benefit. We work with communities in the conduct of food and medicinal plant revitalization practices.

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Closing in 4d 13h 54m 32s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500