About us
Waders are under more global pressure today than at any time in the past, particularly long-distance migrants that depend upon the intertidal zone for refuelling and resting. Nearly half (48%) of wader species, where a population trend is known, are in decline.
Wader Quest is a charity set up 12 years ago and has two aims. The first is to raise awareness about the bleak outlook that wading birds around the world face as we change the character of the environment around them, almost never to their benefit.
The second aim is to raise money to help supportsmall budget projects that larger funding sources are unable to help,especially those that are community led.This second aim has become increasingly difficult in the economic straits that most of us find ourselves in. But we know that people still want to give and help where they can and so we think it is important for people to know that every penny that is donated to us, and every penny that is paid in subscriptions as Friends of Wader Quest plus 25% of our merchandising sales go directly to our reserve funds from which our grants are made. These funds are not used for any other purpose.
Wader Quest is entirely voluntary; no-one receives a wage, and no-one has their expenses paid when they volunteer. The governance is by aboard of dedicated voluntary trustees. We believe that if you are going to donate some of your hard-earned cash, that is in short supply for a great many of us right now, we think you’d like to know that it will all go directly to the cause you are supporting! If you have even just a few pennies to spare, then please consider helping us to support our cherished waders, the cumulative effect soon adds up! Even if you don’t feel that you are comfortable with making a donation, then you can still do your bit by helping us to spread the word about our fundraising quest. If you use social media platforms, whichever you may use, and be sure to tell your friends, family, colleagues and the people you meet inthe pub that if they are looking for a charity where every penny they give is used for the core cause, then look no further than Wader Quest.
Thank you.
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving £14,000 to the Top #10 UK and Irish Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 7:00PM.