Trailblazer Foundation Cover PhotoTrailblazer Foundation Cover PhotoTrailblazer Foundation Cover Photo
Your support can make a world of difference for the people of rural Cambodia. By donating to Trailblazer Foundation, you're directly contributing to programs that address critical needs like clean water, food security, education, and economic development. Your generosity will empower communities to break free from poverty and build a brighter, healthier future. But there's more you can do. Trailblazer Foundation is also eligible to win MyGivingCircle grant funds. By voting for us (every day) at MyGivingCircle, you can help us secure the resources to continue our mission and impact more lives. Together, we can create a sustainable and thriving Cambodia. Donate and vote for Trailblazer Foundation today.

We add Votes for every $ you Donate

Every $1 you donate to Trailblazer Foundation gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!