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for The Parrot Posse

Support The Parrot Posse for this March 2025 Grants Round! Vote to help them win a Grant and boost their chances by featuring them for even more votes

The Parrot Posse
241 Votes $0 Donated 17 Days to vote
The Parrot Posse

About us

The Parrot Posse donates much-needed supplies such as top quality foods, toys, inshell nuts, cages, perches, to parrot welfare organizations across the United States. We also step up and help animal control agencies when they seize parrots from abuse and neglect situations, helping again with supplies, vet care, and shared parrot knowledge. We have also helped provide thousands of pounds of food after hurricanes and other natural disasters. We are all volunteers and operate with no overhead or office costs, so virtually every donated dollar goes directly to our mission of helping parrots in need. We work with wonderful vendors who extend great pricing to help us stretch every donated dollar as far as possible. So far in 2019 alone, we have helped 16 animal control agencies from Massachusetts to Washington State, from Texas to Iowa, from Arkansas to Oklahoma and points in between. We have been sending food and toys to some of these agencies for up to 6 months now, as there cases work their way through court, and will continue to help until the parrots can go to new homes. Last year, we provided supplies to 48 different groups, as well as some individuals who were dealing with difficult times. No other parrot welfare organization dedicates itself solely to raising funds to help others. Please join us on this mission, where even small donations add up to a huge help!
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The Parrot Posse

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Apr 1, 2025

This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.

1st place:  $4,000
#2-#3:  $3,000 each
#4-#10:  $1,500 each
USA Charities Leaderboard: