The K9 Jaeger Foundation Cover PhotoThe K9 Jaeger Foundation Cover PhotoThe K9 Jaeger Foundation Cover Photo

The K9 Jaeger Foundation was founded by disabled Veteran/First Responders who wanted to put Service Dogs into the hands of those who need them, at no cost and little to no redtape. We use cooperative training, training the handlers and k9 at the same time usually in their own home. We use positive reinforcement techniques, and certified trainers.Along with training Service Dogs, we also do community outeach and education. We visit civic groups and classrooms, as well as churches and events. The K9JF members also volunteer in the community. We rely on grants, fundraising, and sales. We do not take government money, because that would be like endorsing the lack of services provided  to Veterans and First Responders. 

We add Votes for every $ you Donate

Every $1 you donate to The K9 Jaeger Foundation gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!