Poiema Foundation Cover Photo
Poiema Foundation Cover Photo
The Poiema Foundation exists to fight for a world without human trafficking. We do so through three initiatives: Education – To date we have educated more than 30,000 people about the dangers of human trafficking. We speak to teachers, students, counselors, nurses, doctors, foster parents, staff who work with at-risk youth, law enforcement, churches, rotary clubs, etc.Engagement – Engaging the public to be eyes and ears in the community and identify human trafficking victims is essential to ending this modern-day slavery. Poiema has over 600 active volunteers involved in community outreach. Each Saturday, volunteers from one of our eighteen campuses distribute posters of missing minors throughout the metroplex. They visit hotels, truck stops, DART rail stations, first responders, etc. More than 570 locations receive posters. In partnership with 4theONE, 450 children have been recovered and sadly, more than half were victims of sex trafficking or sexual exploitation.Empowerment – Poiema has a Safe House where we provide the support necessary for survivors of human trafficking to overcome their abuse and rebuild their lives. Since 2017, we have helped 32 precious women in our home. We also help girls who are still on the street. To date, we have provided various levels of care for 219 survivors.

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