Horse Sense Education and Advocacy Nonprofit Cover PhotoHorse Sense Education and Advocacy Nonprofit Cover PhotoHorse Sense Education and Advocacy Nonprofit Cover Photo
Healing Horses and Helping Humans TM Volunteer led, Horse Sense fosters a supportive and educational environment of free donation-based equine-assisted learning for growth opportunities for veterans, service members, underserved, marginalized youth and more. We create opportunities to build human horse relationships that help: -Reduce anxiety, -Improve self-confidence -Improve self-esteem -Build leadership & communication skills. We offer safe, enjoyable experiences designed to support those struggling in school and children with families going through the court system. We encourage those who need self-care to experience our equine connections. 

Our nonprofit relies on our relationship with generous donors who support our unique approach, educating from the horse's point of view. Seeing life through the horse's eyes is transformative and helps humans understand themselves. 

A vote from you today says, "YES, Let's help both horses and humans."  

A direct donation to our website ensures our ability to empower and enrich more lives. 

We add Votes for every $ you Donate

Every $1 you donate to Horse Sense Education and Advocacy Nonprofit gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!