Kitty Revolution Cover Photo
Kitty Revolution Cover Photo
Kitty Revolution Cover Photo
Kitty Revolution is a volunteer-based, no-kill cat rescue in the Twin Cities, MN metro area that seeks to save the unwanted, the misunderstood, the less-than-perfect, and to help change the way the world sees cats through community education and outreach.Kitty Revolution was founded by a group of passionate, dedicated cat enthusiasts who are devoted to saving and improving the lives of the overlooked and otherwise discarded cats in our community. Rescue isnʼt just about cute kittens; itʼs about the scared, shy, dirty, unwanted cats, too. The older ones. The ones whose spirits have been broken, who have forgotten or maybe never learned how to trust, the ones who need time and patience and then more time. Itʼs about the ones with serious medical needs and chronic illnesses. Itʼs about meeting cats where theyʼre at and understanding how far they can go.

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USA and Canadian Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 65d 17h 34m 4s
#4-#10 $2,000 each
#3 $3,000
#2 $4,000
1st Place $8,000