Healing House, INC. Cover Photo
Healing House, INC. Cover Photo
Healing House, INC. Cover Photo
Since 2002, Healing House has provided substance use disorder treatment with recovery housing and support to help both men and women experience long-term recovery. Nearly 200 individuals on any given day reside in our fourteen private homes and two apartment buildings. Last year we served over 1, 000 individuals, helping them on the road to recovery and meaningful drug- and alcohol-free lives. Healing House outpatient substance use disorder treatment programs are certified by the Missouri Department of Mental Health to offer Level I, II & III outpatient substance use disorder treatment services. These programs are accredited by CARF International. Our recovery homes are for men and women with a diagnosis of substance use disorder. They provide a safe place to begin a new life in recovery. Living with other men or women in recovery provides courage and accountability to stay the course. Healing House provides recovery housing for over 180 adults and up to 25 children. Residents participate in recovery classes and groups, receive counseling and peer mentoring, and receive assistance to obtain employment. The homes are accredited by the National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR)

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Closing in 4d 13h 52m 57s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500