Guardians of the Children Mooresville inc. Cover Photo
Guardians of the Children Mooresville inc. Cover Photo
Guardians of the Children Mooresville inc. Cover Photo
Guardians of the Children is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization comprised of motorcycle enthusiasts that use motorcycles as tools to help children who have overcome abuse, ages 0-17, become strong, confident, and courageous again. Once a child has made an outcry of abuse and the criteria for our support is met, that child is "adopted"into our family as a Little Guardian. Members of GOC will escort the child to court, attend school and social events at the child's request, provide protection and support, and sponsor 5 “Little Guardian” private events, yearly.

The goal of these events is to provide a safe space where the Little Guardians can have fun, socialize with others that have experienced similar trauma, and forget for a moment about the fear, doubt, and insecurity that was forced upon them at such a young age. Every child has all the power and strength within themselves, just like a motorcycle on the open road, and the biker behind it, we just encourage them to unleash it as we fight their demons together.

Donate Now in our $100,000 in 100 hours Donation Challenge

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Donate Now in our $100,000 in 100 hours Donation Challenge

Help us raise $100,000 in the next 100 Hours for Guardians of the Children Mooresville inc. and other charities at MyGivingCircle

Every $1 you chip in to feature Guardians of the Children Mooresville inc. gets them featured 100 times to help them get more votes and supporters.

Help us raise $100,000 in the next 100 Hours for Guardians of the Children Mooresville inc. and other charities at MyGivingCircle

USA Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 57d 17h 13m 7s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500