Green Tails
About us
URGENT HELP NEEDED FOR 3 DISABLED DOGSHello fellow animal lovers in this beautiful world .I am in desperate need for help with 3 senior disabled dogs who have been put in a very sad situation. Four years ago I was asked to take Mikey, Wilma and Gizmo into my care with support for basic food and living costs. They had originally come from the rescuer’s animal shelter and been moved to another shelter. After a few years the rescuer was told the level of care was not good at the new shelter and so moves were made to get them back. Unfortunately the manager of the original shelter refused to take Mikey, Wilma and Gizmo back which caused a breakdown and split between the rescuer and the shelter. So with nowhere to go I was asked to take them into my care. The original rescuer and I made a private agreement that the dogs would remain in my care and she would pay for their upkeep.After a year or so the rescuer reconciled with her shelter but the private agreement remained between myself and her to care for the dogs here. In that time they have had high quality care such as their bladders hand expressed several times a day, daily walks on specialised wheelchairs, high quality vet food specifically tailored to their allergies and most importantly for disabled dogs ,all have good hygienic, air conditioned rooms. During the past 4 years the dogs have sadly had several big health issues such as surgery for gastric torsion, serious bladder infections and allergic dermatitis. Most recently Mikey had a big medical crisis which almost cost her life and needed urgent vet care. I asked the original rescuer to pay part of the vet bill 30,000THB (860USD) but this caused her and the shelter to withdraw financial support for the 3 dogs. I was very shocked and saddened when I received a message from the rescuer saying she isn’t prepared to pay for high vet bills and the best solution was to give up the dogs and allow them to be relocated to the shelter to avoid future problems. Can you imagine your own dog living in a loving, comfortable home environment for years and then in their old age when they need good care the most, moved back into a shelter with 70 other dogs? Unfortunately throughout their lives Mikey, Wilma and Gizmo have been moved from shelter to shelter, until they reached my comfortable place Green Tails ( they now call home.Sadly I have been given the ultimatum of either adoption and taking full financial responsibility or have these beautiful yet vulnerable dogs moved to an already crowded shelter 400km away. I desperately need support to keep them safe and their remaining years comfortable with me at my foster home. We need support of 15,000THB (435USD) a month / 181,625THB (5,220USD) per year.
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Grant Closes: Mar 31, 2025
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