Good Samaritan Housing currently offers transitional crisis accommodation for 12 months for fourteen women and their children effected by domestic violence, family break down, loss of social supports and poverty.
Good Samaritan Housing (GSH) has a well developed program aimed at helping residents and their children to develop emotional, economic and social stability regardless of race, religion or background. GSH aims to teach new skills surrounding parenting, budgeting and financial management, tenancy management and create self worth in our special mothers. We also provide intense regular counselling and support to each mother.
Providing a stable home is vital and is the first building block on the path to empowerment. In order to empower these mothers and to break the circle of inter generational poverty and domestic violence or abuse, it is imperative to instil hope and self-belief into our clients. The women will be able to teach their newly learned skills to their children once they master the art of confidently knowing their rights and hopefully finding their voices to also speak up for them.
We are seeking funding to continue our valuable program to our mothers and children to continue to enhance their future and break the cycle of crisis for the next generation.