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About us
Dream a Dream Therapeutic Horsemanship is an all-volunteer-driven organization dedicated to partnering with our equine friends to provide love, hope, and therapy for children and adults with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. We offer two programs: therapeutic horseback riding sessions and equine-assisted learning. Therapeutic horseback riding uses horses as facilitators to treat various physical and behavioral disorders. The horse's walk mimics a human’s walk. For riders, this stimulates the body and mind with every step. The rider can match the horse's rhythmic pelvic and limb movements, and the two become a team. The motion cultivates balance, as it requires the use of core muscles, coordination, and head and neck control. New and expanding research into equine-assisted therapies addresses the physical benefits of working with horses, and we have witnessed firsthand the miracles with our herd.Our Equine-Assisted Learning Program is a trauma-focused and trauma-informed model based on the principles of Natural Lifemanship. EAL helps clients learn to build healthy relationships and understand the power that those healthy relationships have to let them heal from harmful life experiences. DaDTH strives to offer services to all and raises funds for scholarships for those who might otherwise be unable to participate.
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.