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for Cherry Lane Equine Retirement Ltd

Support Cherry Lane Equine Retirement Ltd for this March 2025 Grants Round! Vote to help them win a Grant and boost their chances by featuring them for even more votes

Cherry Lane Equine Retirement Ltd
1 Votes $0 Donated 18 Days to vote
Cherry Lane Equine Retirement Ltd

About us

Cherry lane equine retirement is a sanctuary for aged horses and we've been around for quite some time , We have and continue to maintain the health and welbeing of senior aged horse and ponies. It takes alot more work to keep an aged horse going as their requirements are demanding due to aging health conditions. One of the main problems aged horses face is the ability to chew food from hay to even chaff, so we prepare soft fluffy mashes so they can cope , this means feeding out numerous times a day in order to keep them going. They also require supplements for arthritic conditions , and they get body workers such as masseuses,red light therapy,shamanic therapy, chiropractic adjustments, dental visits,specialist farrier needs if they stand in a funny way they are helped from the feet up to help posture which in turn alleviates pain. Cherry lane equine retirement is a micro aged care facility for horses with all sorts of issues. We do rehome where we can but not very often as it can be too traumatic and their needs are often not met with typical working families. The reality is they are very high maintenance and deserve the very best care that we can provide, they have looked after so many people throughout their lives and in turn deserve to be looked after in their twighlight years. Your votes and donations go such along way to supporting them, and we need all the help we can get. So please vote as many times as you can and if you can donate that would be such a relief. ?
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Cherry Lane Equine Retirement Ltd

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Mar 31, 2025

This grant round we are giving $29,000 to the Top #10 Australia and New Zealand Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 9:00AM.

1st Place:  $4,500
#2-#3:  $3,500 each
#4-#10:  $2,500 each
Australia and New Zealand Charities Leaderboard: