Keeleys Cause Cover Photo
Keeleys Cause was created in 2017 by Keeley aged 13yrs who has Autism and an Intellectual Disability who provides iPads to children diagnosed with Autism or an Intellectual Disability across Australia to assist in full time education, communication and interaction with peers. At present there is NO current Government or NDIS assistance for the hardware for children with Autism or an Intellectual Disability, many children with special needs require this technology to assist them with their learning and to communicate, its how they can achieve educational outcomes and assistance to communicate through the apps which NDIS can assist funding with. Keeleys Cause assist low income families or Parents on Carer Payment Pension who simply do not have the means to purchase an iPad to assist their children/children to communicate or receive a tailored educational plan to suit their needs with the assistance of technology. With 1 in 59 children in Australia having Autism or an Intellectual Disability, divide that by approximately 60% of parents receiving low incomes or pensions who are unable to work full time as they provided daily ongoing care to their children we have a lot of children requiring assistance. Keeley states that “ We have a right to an education as much as anyone else, we have dreams too of becoming someone, if iPads are what we need to learn and Communicate then iPads is what we will get “ and so Keeleys Cause was then Created to assist children with special needs to be able to learn in a way they can only truly understand and effectively work with. The apps allow children to communicate, learn repetitively, use apps if non verbal to describe their feelings, needs and allows them to communicate effectively with peers. We are finding the iPads are reducing anxiety and depression in children with special needs and giving the. Hope and a a purpose in a world that is strange to them. Keeley so far has presented 96 iPads across Australia and raised over $56.000 in the last 18 months through her fundraising efforts via sausage sizzles, Donations, iPads sponsors, merchandise sales and events, she now requires the assistance and support from others to assist on a larger scale. Who’s willing to assist her on this very inspiring journey ? We hope that YOU will be able to assist Keeley in her mission to assist and empower the lives of children with disabilities and help to provide this technology so they can become effective members of their communities and have their dreams of educational and employment outcomes fulfil. Let’s ensure inclusion and equality to education and employment for people with Disabilities.

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Every $1 you donate to Keeleys Cause gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

Australian Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 52d 13h 23m 44s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st Place $3,500