Wildlife rescue cork Cover Photo
Wildlife rescue cork Cover Photo
Wildlife rescue cork Cover Photo

Wildlife Rescue Cork is a registered charity. Our aim is to rescue, rehabilitate and release injured or orphaned wildlife in Cork. We take in all wildlife including hedgehogs, foxes, birds, badgers and bats. We are run entirely by volunteers and do this work because we are passionate about helping wildlife in need. In the summer months we can receive up to 20 calls a day from people who find injured wildlife and need our help. The majority of our funds are used for specialist food for our animals, equipment, medication and veterinary work. If you can support us we would be so grateful.

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UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 55d 3h 16m 42s
#6-#10 £1,000 each
#2-#5 £1,250 each
1st Place £2,000