Impact for Women Inc Cover Photo
impact is a completely volunteer led and driven charity committed to making a difference to Victorian women and children fleeing extreme violence at home. In 2006, 12 friends sourced donations to pack 100 gifts which were delivered to metropolitan refuges supporting victims of Family Violence. 11 years later, volunteers from all walks of life, cultures and religions come together twice a year to pack nearly 1000 ‘Bags of Love’. impact continues to provide bi-annual distributions of Bags of Love but now also: • Helps Santa – this Xmas, impact will help Santa with more than 4000 gifts; 
 • Provides interest-free loans for medical, dental, relocation and other costs; 
 • Supplies Kosher and Halal Kits so that religious women can eat according to their dietary laws; 
 • Repairs and refurbishes refuges; 
 • and more. 
 With no paid staff or premises, more than 96 cents in every dollar donated is directed to fulfilling impact’s mission. impact makes a positive impact not only to its many beneficiaries but also to the hundreds of men, women and children who take up the opportunity to make a difference as and when they are able. 
 impact needs your help to make an even greater impact. So, how about it?

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