Bergen County Horse Rescue Cover PhotoBergen County Horse Rescue Cover PhotoBergen County Horse Rescue Cover Photo

Bergen County Horse Rescue's mission is "Caring for Horses: Mind, Body & Soul."  The Bergen County Horse Rescue, a volunteer run, 501(c)(3) non-profit, is dedicated to the protection and rehabilitation of abused and neglected horses. Our beautiful facility at the historic Mahrapo Farm in Mahwah NJ provides a safe and healthy environment for our rescues to live and interact in a herd community. BCHR provides reconditioning and behavioral training for horses who are fit and healthy in order to place them in a forever home. For those horses that are no longer capable of working due to a disability or old age, our facility provides a tranquil and safe sanctuary. All horses not adopted out will always have a loving home at Bergen County Horse Rescue.

Since our start in 2016, our vision is to continue to generate awareness within our community about equine care as well as act as an environmentally conscious resource for educational tours for groups and organizations. 

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