Regarding Cancer Cover Photo
Regarding Cancer Cover Photo
Cancer has overtaken heart disease as the number one cause of death in the Central Texas area and over 10,000 people in Central Texas will receive a cancer diagnosis this year.  When individuals are diagnosed with cancer, they are consumed with the terrifying reality of the disease. You are the same person you were the day before, married to the same man or woman with the same beautiful children, or you are the same son/daughter, or friend; but now every moment of every day you can feel the crushing emotional burden of cancer spreading, of the painful treatments ahead, of the growing frailty of their body, and the possibility of leaving the family before you are ready. While those closest to the patient can empathize, they cannot share all their fears or their anger, nor can anyone FULLY understand the gravity of this personal experience. Through support services at Regarding Cancer, participants and their family are able to share with others in similar situations all their feelings and find connections that will help them process what they are experiencing.Regarding Cancer’s mission is to provide free psychosocial support and resources to cancer patients and their caregivers in Central Texas by matching cancer patients, or their caregivers, with a peer survivor or caregiver of the same cancer and/or by visiting patients at area oncology infusion centers and hospitals. Regarding Cancer’s trained volunteers provide: SUPPORT for emotional and social concerns through diagnosis, treatment, recovery, survivorship and advanced disease; EDUCATION on what to expect with treatment and recovery; NAVIGATION to resources for social and financial services, grief support and child support; and HOPE gained through fellowship with others that have experienced the same journey. Regarding Cancer serves anyone 18 years and older at any stage of cancer, including those facing death and loved ones of those who have lost their battle with cancer. Its programs are available for free to people across the cancer continuum, including from the time of diagnosis, during, post-treatment, and survivorship.Importantly, the impact of our services is not limited to the cancer patient, but also the over 400 survivors who volunteer with the program. There is evidence to suggest that peers providing support benefit themselves.Your investment in this program will not only support individuals facing cancer but also contribute to building a more compassionate and resilient community. We aim to make Regarding Cancer a beacon of hope for every individual affected by cancer.

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Every $1 you donate to Regarding Cancer gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

USA Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 48d 16h 28m 50s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500