India Water Project Cover Photo
India Water Project Cover Photo
India Water Project Cover Photo
The India Water Project works with women in India to build and install small, local water purification and delivery stations that provide safe access to clean drinking water - a fundamental human right that is still out of reach for many women and girls and underserved communities in India. Safe access to clean drinking water changes lives by providing equity, opportunity, and above all - dignity, which we believe is also a fundamental human right. Dignity derives in part from the simple ability to avoid sexual harassment, violation and danger, an all too often experience for women and girls who embark on solo treks down rural roads and isolated pathways to obtain water. No one should have to put themselves or their daughters in harm’s way just to get the clean safe water that every human being needs to live. Safe access to clean drinking water has ripple effects that fundamentally address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including advancing education for women and girls and combating poverty and gender-based violence. In India, the uniquely female burden of procuring water can take up to several hours each day; ensuring equality and dignity for women begins with relief from that onerous, and more often than not, dangerous task. Opportunity then flows from the ability for girls to attend school, when they are no longer required to fetch water or tend to sick relatives who have been exposed to water-borne pathogens. Opportunity for women flows further from the ability to seek employment or otherwise improve their lives when relieved of the burden of procuring water. The India Water Project’s partnership with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to female empowerment in the siting and construction of the water purification stations helps ensure that these positive outcomes are achieved within the community. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals are about advancing human dignity around the world, and India Water Project’s mission to provide access to clean safe drinking water encompasses both the essence and the attainability of those goals.

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