Ghost Fishing UK Cover Photo
Your donation will directly support our volunteer scuba divers who are dedicated to removing harmful lost and abandoned fishing gear called 'ghost gear' from our oceans, recording and freeing any trapped animals and creating a means of recycling the lost ghost gear here in the UK. To continue growing our teams by training more scuba divers in the citizen science of recording and removing ghost gear from the seas. The more divers around the UK we have, the bigger our impact can be for the better of the environment and welfare of the marine creatures that get trapped in this ghost gear. Working towards solutions for recycling plastics from the fishing industry as no such facilities exists in the UK that can handle old, dirty nets. By working with engineers and the plastics industry we can create a facility to do this. Help increase our public outreach and school education programmes, driving public opinion on ocean plastics and working towards more sustainable fisheries.

We add Votes for every £ you DonateWe add Feature Views for every £ you pay.We add Votes for every £ you Donate

Every £1 you donate to Ghost Fishing UK gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

Every £1 you chip in to feature Ghost Fishing UK gets them featured 100 times to help them get more votes and supporters.

Every £1 you donate to Ghost Fishing UK gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 53d 16h 41m 25s
#6-#10 £1,000 each
#2-#5 £1,250 each
1st Place £2,000