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About us
"Formally Ever After is a community program dedicated to making formal events accessible to all Students and Individuals in need . We provide second-hand formal wear to those struggling financially, ensuring everyone can attend their special occasion with confidence.
Our main aim is dressing students for Year 12 Formals , ensuring no young person misses out on attending this huge milestone
Our inclusive program supports individuals with diverse needs, including those with disabilities, mental health concerns, body image issues, and those from remote or marginalized communities.We also offer specialized support, including:
- Recycled wedding dresses for brides-to-be- Court attire for those in need- Formal wear for individuals with terminal illnesses and older adults -Special hampers throughout the year -Assistance with Formal Tickets and other associated cost of Formal -Assist remote communities with Nadioc Balls -Support for Funerals
Through partnerships with other charities, we redistribute donated items we cant use to maximize impact & to further support more of the Community . Annually, we divert thousands of items from landfill, promoting sustainability and community kindness.
Formally Ever After Qld Inc is 100% Free . We volunteer our time to make this program work. We rely on donations of Formal Wear and accessories from our Community . We run as a Not For Profit
Founded by Tammy Robinson in 2019, Formally Ever After has made a difference in the lives of over 8,000 students and individuals, with the support of over 22000 community members from all over Australia
Formally Ever After Qld Inc has a motto of 'Kindness is Free '
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving $29,000 to the Top #10 Australia and New Zealand Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 9:00AM.