Canine CellMates Cover Photo
Canine CellMates Cover Photo
Canine CellMates Cover Photo
Canine CellMates, a nonprofit organization started in 2012, is dedicated to transforming the lives of incarcerated individuals and shelter dogs through innovative rehabilitative programs. Canine CellMates focuses on pairing incarcerated and previously incarcerated men with rescue dogs, allowing them to train and care for the dogs while learning valuable life skills and empathy for others. Beyond The Bars, our second program, works with the district attorney’s office and the court system, facilitates the release of men from incarceration, and offers an alternative to traditional prison sentences, Both programs showcase the power of second chances and the healing potential of the human-canine bond, ultimately working towards reducing recidivism and providing hope for those within and beyond prison walls.

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USA Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 27d 15h 10m 52s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500