Snuggle Coats Cover Photo
Snuggle Coats is a Not for Profit that accepts all real fur donations (coats, stoles, wraps) and repurposes them into Snuggle Coats. These are then donated to Animal Carers/Groups and Wildlife Parks all over Australia. These furs are used to comfort and rehabilitate orphaned animals in need. The aim is to connect our community through the act of giving and spreading kindness. As a result, they wish to inspire others to think about their impact on the world and how they can make our world a kinder place for all who inhabit it.

Donate Now in our $100,000 in 100 hours Donation Challenge

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Help us raise $100,000 in the next 100 Hours for Snuggle Coats and other charities at MyGivingCircle

Every $1 you chip in to feature Snuggle Coats gets them featured 100 times to help them get more votes and supporters.

You give$ we add 5,000 feature views.