Horse Sense Wirral Cover Photo
Our objectives are to relieve pain and suffering in animals particularly horses and ponies by providing ample love and care including veterinary care when required in order to be able to find them a new home when recovered however, a number of ponies do have to stay within the sanctuary for life due to ongoing medical care and management. Also to educate the public in matters pertaining to animal welfare in general and the prevention of cruelty and suffering among animals.

We add Votes for every £ you DonateWe add Feature Views for every £ you pay.

Every £1 you donate to Horse Sense Wirral gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

Every £1 you chip in to feature Horse Sense Wirral gets them featured 100 times to help them get more votes and supporters.

You give£ we add 5,000 feature views.

UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 14d 17h 54m 41s
#6-#10 £1,000 each
#2-#5 £1,250 each
1st Place £2,000