Four Paws UK Cover Photo
About Four Paws FOUR PAWS is an international animal welfare charity with a mission to be a strong, global and independent voice for animals under human control. To do this, they aim to create sustainable solutions for animals in need, touch hearts and change consumer behaviour, drive legal change, and build powerful partnerships. Our current campaigns comprise ending the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia, redefining the face of food procurement to save farm animals from suffering, ending the use of animals in the fashion industry, and ending the wildlife trade and exploitation of wildlife across the world (including the tiger trade). Through the combination of professionalism, dedication, and a harmonious relationship with their supporters, FOUR PAWS have been able to rescue a large number of animals over their decades of operation: changing the face of animal welfare as they go.

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UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 47d 21h 25m 46s
#6-#10 £1,000 each
#2-#5 £1,250 each
1st Place £2,000